
“People say graffiti is ugly, irresponsible and childish... but that's only if it's done properly.”

Important:  The artist known as Banksy is not involved in this exhibition and has not provided any endorsements or support nor artworks for this show. This municipal exhibition was independently curated and presented. The artworks and objects presented in the exhibition were all from private collections.


THE third leg of the touring exhibition and scientific study of artworks, objects and memorabilia of the artist known as Banksy. An academic examination hosted by the municipality of Palermo, Italy at the invitation of the mayor, Leoluca Orlando, who has been actively pressing the EU Council and Unicef for assistance in the dangerous plight of refugees crossing the sea.

The exhibition was supported by a dedicated catalogue with numerous critical essays by various academic professors, curators and critics. Entry price was €8 Euros, numerous concessions €4 Euros. Free school programme/visits. 


Curated by Acoris Andipa, Stefano Antonelli and Gianluca Marziani. Organised by non-profit cultural association, MetaMorfosi, Rome.

Explore our selection of signed Banksy prints for sale.

Installation Views
  • Banksy artworks on wall
  • Banksy artworks on wall
  • Banksy artworks on wall
  • Banksy artworks on wall
  • Banksy artworks on wall
  • Banksy artworks on wall
  • Banksy artworks on wall
  • Banksy artworks on wall
  • Banksy artworks on wall
  • Banksy artworks on wall
  • Banksy artworks on wall
  • Banksy artworks on wall
  • Banksy artworks on wall
  • Banksy artworks on wall
  • F185Ca9D 0291 4F71 A51E D2013Cfd406F
  • Banksy artworks on wall
  • Banksy artworks on wall, people looking at the art
  • Banksy artworks on wall, people looking at the art
  • Banksy artworks on wall, people looking at the art
  • Banksy artworks on wall, people looking at the art
  • Banksy artworks on wall, people looking at the art