リヒテンシュタインプリント 販売
ロイ・リヒテンシュタインのオリジナル署名付きプリント- Roy Lichtenstein, Reverie (C.38), 1965£ POA GBPview more
- Roy Lichtenstein, Sweet Dreams Baby (C.39), 1965£65,000 - £85,000 GBPview more
- Roy Lichtenstein, I Love Liberty, 1982£60,000 - £70,000 GBPview more
- Roy Lichtenstein, Two Nudes, 1994£POAview more
- Roy Lichtenstein, Nude Reading, 1994£POAview more
- Roy Lichtenstein, Crying Girl, 1963£75,000 - £85,000 GBPview more
- Roy Lichtenstein, Composition I (Musical Notes), 1996£ POAview more
- Roy Lichtenstein, Bedroom (C.247), 1991£55,000 - £65,000 GBPview more
- Roy Lichtenstein, CRAK!, 1963/1964£35,000 - £45,000 GBPview more
- Roy Lichtenstein, Explosion, 1967£15,000 - £25,000 GBPview more
- Roy Lichtenstein, Morton A. Mort,, 1980£12,000 - £18,000 GBPview more
- Roy Lichtenstein, Inaugural Print, 1977£ 12,000.00view more
- Roy Lichtenstein, Foot And Hand (C. II 4), 1964£20,000 - £30,000 GBPview more
- Roy Lichtenstein, Figures, 1978£15,000 - £20,000 GBPview more
- Roy Lichtenstein, The Oval Office (C.277), 1992£80,000 - £90,000 GBPview more
- Roy Lichtenstein, Mao (C.104), 1971£30,000 - £40,000 GBPview more
- Roy Lichtenstein, Peace through Chemistry II, 1970£ POAview more
- Roy Lichtenstein, Still Life with Portrait (C.131), 1974£50,000 - £65,000 GBPview more
- Roy Lichtenstein, Yellow Still Life (C.133), 1974£45,000 - £55,000 GBPview more
- Roy Lichtenstein, American Indian Theme III (C.162), 1980£28,000 - £35,000 GBPview more
- Roy Lichtenstein, American Indian Theme IV (C.163), 1980£ POAview more
- Roy Lichtenstein, Peace through Chemistry IV, 1970£35,000 - £45,000 GBPview more
- Roy Lichtenstein, Reflections on Soda Fountain (Corlett 257), 1991£96,500 GBPview more
- Roy Lichtenstein, American Indian Theme V (C.164), 1980£18,000 - £25,000 GBPview more
- Roy Lichtenstein, Water Lily (C.281) , 1993£50,000 - £60,000 GBPview more
- Roy Lichtenstein, Brushstrokes (C.45), 1967£ POA GBPview more
- Roy Lichtenstein, Rainforest (C. 278), 1992£30,000 - £50,000 GBPview more
- Roy Lichtenstein, Red Lamp (c.279), 1992£25,000 - £35,000 GBPview more
- Roy Lichtenstein, Venetian School I, 1996£15,000 - £25,000 GBPview more
ロイ・リキテンスタインのプリントは、すぐに認識でき、ポップカルチャーの絶頂期20世紀半ばのアメリカ文化を描写しています。自然で、クールなアメリカの生活は、雑誌や漫画に触発され、明るい色とテクニックを通してアニメーション化され、おもちゃにされています。皮肉なモンタージュと絶妙に洗練された社会的参照は、一見単純な作品を通じて観覧者を奇妙で完璧の世界へ運び出します。 リヒテンシュタインのプリントは、彼の象徴の縞模様、ベンデイドットと原色を特徴としています。米国のポップアート運動の祖父であるリヒテンシュタインの貢献は、 運動を定義しただけでなく、芸術の概念自体を再定義しました。 リヒテンシュタインの詳細については、sales@andipa.com、WhatsApp、または+44(0)207 589にてギャラリーにお問い合わせください。
Roy Lichtenstein Exhibitions at Andipa
Over the years...Roy Lichtenstein and His Contemporaries
Andipa, London2013年3月5日 - 3月30日Throughout March Andipa Gallery are proud to present what promises to be both a comprehensive and scintillating display ...Roy Lichtenstein | Early Prints
Andipa, London 2010年12月28日 - 12月31日This exhibition presents a selection of Roy Lichtenstein’s most exciting early prints from the years 1963-1973. Th...Roy Lichtenstein | Interiors
Andipa, London2009年7月18日 - 8月7日Andipa Gallery is proud to present the complete set of Roy Lichtenstein’s ‘Interiors’ series. Made up ...Roy Lichtenstein | Reflections series
Andipa, London2008年12月2日 - 12月18日Andipa Gallery is proud to showcase the enthralling world of Roy Lichtenstein’s ‘Reflections’ series. ...Roy Lichtenstein | Nudes
Andipa, London2004年8月12日 - 8月30日In one of his final, and perhaps most erotic series before his death in 1997, Roy Lichtenstein returned full circle to h...Roy Lichtenstein: Dots, Stripes and Strokes
Andipa, London2004年2月27日 - 3月27日Roy Lichtenstein was the master of the stereotype, and the most sophisticated of the major Pop artists in terms of his a...
Roy Lichtenstein Paintings & Sculptures available on request
With over 50 years experience in art dealing, Andipa offer original Roy Lichtenstein paintings and artworks. Contact us via sales@andipa.com or on +44 (0) 20 7589 2371 or via the enquire button below.Consign Your Lichtenstein Prints
Andipa Editions offer an advisory service for those looking to sell prints by Roy Lichteinstein. Tailored to the requirements of each client, we provide a comprehensive appraisal service. For more information contact Andipa about how to sell Roy Lichtenstein prints via sales@andipa.com or on +44(0)20 7589 2371.
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