
This exhibition presents a selection of Roy Lichtenstein’s most exciting early prints from the years 1963-1973.  This exhibition offers an insight into the formative years of Lichtenstein’s career, where he played a pivotal role in the Pop Art movement. Some prints featured in the exhibition include Brushstrokes (1967), Reverie (1965), Sweet Dreams Baby (1965) Girl (1963) and Explosion (1967). The exhibition charts the way Lichtenstein’s subject matter and style develops over the course of a decade, and how it sets the tone for the style of his artwork to come.

Roy Lichtenstein was an artist that rose in popularity in America in the second half of the twentieth century. He initially explored Abstract Expressionism, but from the 1950s onward he found his signature style as he pioneered the Pop Art movement. Lichtenstein rose to prominence in by drawing his inspiration from the visual language of comic books and consumerism. He manifested these mass-produced images into large-scale paintings, defined by his use of bold lines, vibrant primary colours and Benday dots. Through the merging of popular culture with fine art, Lichtenstein redefined the concepts of high art and low art, changing the course of art history forever.

Join us as we explore the evolution of Lichtenstein’s artistic vision and delve into the vibrant world of his early prints.

For more information on any of the artworks featured and to buy Roy Lichtenstein screen prints contact Andipa Editions.

  • Roy Lichtenstein Moonlight print
  • Roy Lichtenstein pyramid print
  • Roy Lichtenstein On print
  • Roy Lichtenstein Girl print
  • Roy Lichtenstein Explosion print
  • Roy Lichtenstein Brushstrokes print
  • Roy Lichtenstein Sandwich and Soda print
  • Roy Lichtenstein Red Barn print
  • Roy Lichtenstein Seascape print
  • Roy Lichtenstein Seascape print
  • Roy Lichtenstein Reverie print
  • Roy Lichtenstein still life with picasso print
  • Roy Lichtenstein spraycan print
  • Roy Lichtenstein Still life print
  • Roy Lichtenstein Sweet Dreams Baby print