David Hockney Eine, Deux, Tres Series For Sale


    David Hockney Eine, Deux, Tres Series

    Facts | History | Meaning
    Catalogue Title Eine, Deux, Tres Series 
    Year 1990
    Size Varied
    Medium Varied
    Edition Varied
  • David Hockney Eine, Deux, Tres Series

    ‘I think cubism has not been fully developed. It is treated like a style, pigeonholed and that’s it.’ David Hockney 


    Eine, Deux and Tres print series, 1991, by David Hockney arose from his foray into set design, one of his less known creative outlets, developed through his passion for theatre: Hockney first worked in 1975 on Stravinsky’s The Rake’s Progress at Glyndebourne Opera House, Lewes East Sussex. Hockney’s acclaimed set designs served as a visual connection between the opera’s satirical, moralistic subject matter, its music and the stage environment.
    Hockney’s multifarious eye for dramatic set detail caught the attention of further theatre producers, and the artist went onto a create a series of abstract sketches, which later came to form the Eines, Deux, Tres series. Infact, it was a production of Die Frau Ohne Schatten at the Royal Opera House in London’s Covent Garden, 1992, in which Hockney took inspiration from avant-garde colour artist, Sonia Delaunay and contemporary printmaker, Howard Hodgkin that set the seed for the abstract sketches, on which the Eine, Deux and Tres lithographs are based.
    It is testament to Hockney’s curious and evolving eye that he could enact a series so far from his most famed vibrantly coloured landscapes: unwittingly the starting point of Eine, Deux and Tres is actually nature (grass, water, river) but steeply covered in geometric shapes and jagged forms to the point where they are no longer a representation of anything life-life. Hockney commented, ‘The first thing I made for Die Frau…was an abstract representation of a river, like a snake.’
    This three part series of abstracted narratives (Eine, Deux, Tres) are constructed from a flat background in two dimension form, the viewer can immediately detect the influences of Picasso and cubism on these works: the fragmented image within a single composition enables the viewer to look at the image from multiple perspectives.
    The Eine, Deux, Tres series is created from a dark muted palette of dark greys, blues, contrasted with deep reds and black: in each print the sweeping lines and dots and contrasting colours come together to add depth and spatiality to the print.
    With each gaze the viewer is no clearer on the subject and narrative behind the image: through fragmentations Hockney decimates the original subject to rebuild them into a new abstracted visually compelling narrative.


  • Buy or sell Eine, Deux, Tres Series at Andipa Editions

    Buy David Hockney Eine, Deux, Tres series 

    Andipa Editions, as part of Andipa, have been at the forefront of the Hockney market for over 20 years. To enquire about buying  Eine, Deux, Tres Series by David Hockney contact us via sales@andipa.com or on +44 (0) 20 7589 2371.




    Sell Eine, Deux, Tres Series by David Hockney 

    With a global network of active buyers, Andipa Editions are the place to sell your Eine, Deux, Tres Series print. Straight-forward and stress-free, we manage the process on your behalf and help to maximise your return. For a complimentary valuation of your Eine, Deux, Tres Series print, contact us via sales@andipa.com or on +44 (0) 20 7589 2371. Explore our collection of David Hockney original prints for sale.