David Hockney An Image of Celia (M.C.A.T 277) For Sale

  • David Hockney An Image of Celia

    David Hockney An Image of Celia

    Facts | History | Meaning
    Catalogue Title:  An Image of Celia 
    Year: 1984
    Size 151.1 x 104.1/168.9 x 120.7
    Medium:  Lithograph 33 aluminum plates
    Edition: Edition of 40 TP, signed and numbered in pencil lower right/left.
  • David Hockney An Image of Celia

    'An Image of Celia is a striking artwork, which is illustrative of the many artistic forms, Hockney segued between in this Moving Focus series: he not only transcends his own visual language but creates a dialogue with art history traditions of past centuries.'

    An Image of Celia, one of 26 prints from David Hockney’s groundbreaking Moving Focus series,  depicts his long time muse, collaborator and friend, famed British fashion and textile designer, Celia Birtwell with a new innovative artistic language.
    Moving Focus series is illustrative of Hockney’s willingness to create discourse with art history in his creative portfolio – throughout the series, the artist pays homage to Picasso’s portraits, most notable in An Image of Celia, and the reconfigured style of cubism. Infact, An Image of Celia recalls Picasso’s famous portraits of his muse Dora Maar, in which he experimented with multiple perspectives of her to evolve his Cubist theories.
    Hockney said about Birtwell, ‘Portraits aren't just made up of drawing, they are made up of other insights as well. Celia is one of the few girls I know really well. I've drawn her so many times and knowing her makes it always slightly different.’
    The lithograph and screenprint in colours with collage is a bold artistic departure from his earlier naïve, soft edged depictions Birtwell: in An Image of Celia the subject has been reconfigured with fragmentation, distorted perspective, bold colourings, and textures so rich they feel more like a painting than a print.
    In An Image of Celia, she appears to be sprawled out on an armchair, perhaps in a dress made up of her own bold print designs, we can clearly see her elegant green shoes. The subject’s face is recognisable but skewered through fragmentation: her facial features on a square cube are recognisable through bold blue and green eyes, thick black lashes and eye crayon, dewy skin and rouge lips. The bright colourings of Birtwell, the central subject, are juxtaposed with the dark background of the room; there’s a hint of some disquiet to the strangely formatted scene where the chair is larger than Birtwell herself.
    An Image of Celia is a striking artwork, which is illustrative of the many artistic forms, Hockney segued into this Moving Focus series: he not only transcends his own visual language but creates a dialogue with art history traditions of past centuries.
    Image of Celia State I: A signed and dated lithograph, part of an edition of 10, size 125.7 x 99.1
    Image of Celia State II: A signed and dated lithograph, part of an edition of 10, size 156.2 x 107.3 
  • Buy or sell Image of Celia by David Hockney at Andipa Editions

    Buy Image of Celia 

    Andipa Editions, as part of Andipa, have been at the forefront of the Hockney market for over 20 years. To enquire about buying  Image of Celia by David Hockney, contact us via sales@andipa.com or on +44 (0) 20 7589 2371.



    Sell David Hockney Image of Celia  

    With a global network of active buyers, Andipa Editions are the place to sell your Image of Celia print. Straight-forward and stress-free, we manage the process on your behalf and help to maximise your return. For a complimentary valuation of your Image of Celia print, contact us via sales@andipa.com or on +44 (0) 20 7589 2371. Explore our collection of David Hockney prints for sale.