Andy Warhol
Following on from the successes of Phillip’s New York, there was eager anticipation both in the room and online for Warhol lots to perform. The scintillating performance at Phillip’s set a high standard to follow with the stand out lot from the April 16th auction being Moonwalkmwhich doubled its upper estimate of $120,000 - $180,000 USD selling for a stratospheric $463,500 USD.
The highlight of the Warhol selection was Siberian Tiger from the Endangered Species portfolio which sold for double its upper estimate of $150,000 USD closing at $304,800 USD including BP. The seminal print, part of the highly desired and rare portfolio, is one of the most popular prints from the series. Works from Warhol’s latter career including Alexander The Great and Lifesavers from the Ads series, both performed well selling for $139,700 (estimate 60,000 - 80,000 USD) and $114,300 USD (estimate $60,000 - $80,000 USD) respectively. Highlighting a demand for classic Warholian motifs, the classic Campbell’s Soup Cans showed a solid performance with both Scotch Broth and Tomato-Beef Noodle O’s surpassing their upper estimates. Elsewhere, consistency was seen through various works from Ten Portraits of Jews of the Twentieth Century among others
Discover Andy Warhol prints for sale.
David Hockney
The sole example of arguably the most important British artist of the 20th century, the 2010 iPad work Tangerines by David Hockney crept over its lower estimate to close at $50,800 USD - reflecting a market that offers good opportunities for Hockney collectors. Hockney’s earlier works, including the Lithograph Made of Lines and works from the Moving Focus series, continue to perform wel as collectors distinctly appear to be looking for Hockney’s more classic motifs and styles.
Explore David Hockney prints for sale.
Keith Haring
Two exciting works Haring were snapped up by bidders with Pop Shop Plate 1 surpassing its upper estimate and closing at $25,400 USD and the complete Pop Shop Quad IV hitting $38,100 USD. The consistent results in Haring show the timeless appeal of one of art’s most beloved sons whose energetic and life affirming works resonate with collectors across the world.
Browse available Keith Haring prints.
For more information on any of the artists or works featured, contact sales@andipa.com or call +44 (0)20 7589 2371 to speak to a member of Andipa.